Press Start 2 Continue On Sale NOW!!!

Originally Posted on March 11, 2011 by kmfollia


Ladies and Gentleman,

I am proud to announce that at last Press Start 2 Continue is available to purchase on DVD!  Press Start 2 Continue is the feature length, live action sequel to the acclaimed video game parody Press Start (2007); and both films are companion to the monthly web series Press Start Adventures; which I write, animate, and lend my voiceover talents to.

I strongly encourage everyone to buy the movie here!  But what we really need is good word of mouth.  A considerable amount of time, energy, and resources go into making Press Start happen, and Dark Maze Studios is a small operation that does not have the scratch for a big advertising campaign.

If you have friends, kids, nephews, nieces, husbands, wives, co-workers or just plain know anyone who loves videogames… please tell them about Press Start.  There are trailers and shorts on the website for them to check out to see if this kind of humor is their bag.  Press Start has gotten unique attention because it has gone beyond the usual internet meme humor and established a universe of characters and situations all its own, so there’s plenty to check out without even having to buy the movies.  And if you’re one of those people who LOVES the cartoons but keeps putting off buying the movie, there’s no better time than right now to show your support by picking up the films.  We want to keep making Press Start stuff, and we need your support and your word of mouth to make that happen.

And if you’re just plain curious about the movie:  here is an exclusive scene with introduction by Director Ed Glaser…

Press Start 2 Exclusive Sneak Peek!

So if you really want to go above and beyond to support the movie, here’s some specific things you can do:

▪               Spread the word on your Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, blog, website, or whatever! Just link to

▪               Post or embed the trailer on any relevant forums you frequent. You can embed the trailer from the Press Start 2 Continue website or from YouTube.

▪               Submit it as a news item to your favorite gamer blog (Kotaku, Destructoid, Joystiq, etc).

▪               Tell, email, or AIM your friends about the movie.

And just as a refresher on the features, this is a Region-Free NTSC DVD containing:

▪               3 Audio Commentary Tracks

▪                                 Director/producer Ed Glaser & writer Kevin Folliard

▪                                 Director/producer Ed Glaser & production designer Meagan Rachelle

▪                                 Actors Al Morrison, Joshua Stafford, & Alex Mitchell

▪               Making-Of Featurette

▪               “Press Start: Bio Haphazard” short film

▪               Mini-poster insert by comic artist J.T. Molloy

▪               Trailer

Thanks for your support!  And let us know what you think!


Kevin M. Folliard

PS:  I know I had promised some behind the scenes Press Start related blogs leading up to the movie.  Unfortunately I’ve had a few technical difficulties with the blog that I hope to resolve soon (some of you have not been able to leave comments for which I apologize.)  As soon as I have these issues resolved I promise a series of Press Start related Q & A blogs for all you gamers!


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