Summer Publications: Dinosaurs, Westerns, and Invisible Men!

WildFrontiers_72dpi_1600wHey readers! Here’s an early summer round-up of six of my most recent publications!

*My 100-word “found footage” drabble “Farewell Texts” was published at The Horror Tree’s Trembling with Fear spotlight on 5-12-2019.

*My New Pangea dinosaur adventure short stories “Tyrannosaur Dreams” and “Scavenger’s Path” were published at Thrilling Words!

*My western tale “Hangman’s Knot” was published in Wild Frontiers 5-31-2019

*My 100-word drabble “Smile More” was published at The Horror Tree’s Trembling with Fear spotlight on 6-2-2019

*My re-imagining of The Invisible Man “Solomon’s Moon” was published in Left Hand Media’s anthology Classics Remixed!

More to come this summer! If you enjoy these stories, please let me know by being so kind as to write a review on Amazon, GoodReads, or the comments section of the publisher’s website or social media as well as my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages. I’d love to know more what you guys think! 🙂

Thrilling Words:

Wild Frontiers:

Left Hand Media:

The Horror Tree / Trembling With Fear:

Classics Remixed T_Rex-pub

About kmfollia

Kevin M. Folliard is a Chicagoland writer whose fiction has been collected by The Horror Tree, The Dread Machine, Demain Publishing, Dark Owl Publishing, and more. His publications include his horror anthology The Misery King’s Closet, his YA fantasy adventure novel Grayson North: Frost-Keeper of the Windy City, and his dinosaur adventure novel Carnivore Keepers. Kevin currently resides in the western suburbs of Chicago, IL, where he enjoys his day job in academia and membership in the La Grange Writers Group.
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